The More Life Program

When pursuing great success, it's easy to lose sight of the very thing you're working toward... quality of life. What if I told you it's possible to have the success you desire AND live more life in the process? Greater success and greater quality of life.

The More Life Group Voxer Program helps you to live MORE LIFE while you’re pursuing your big ambitions. There will be active trainings & group engagement from May 1-31 with a printable workbook where we'll go over all the curriculum necessary to help you achieve greater success while living more life. It doesn't have to be one or the other, or all or nothing. You get to have both.

In our one month together, we will be going over:

  • What Makes A Really Good Life (Research-Backed Findings)
  • How To Break Free From The Busyness & Burnout Hamster Wheel
  • The Common Obstacles That Hold You Back From Your Best Life
  • How To Design Your Life With High Intention
  • How To Love Your Every Day & Align It With What Matters Most
  • Principles You Can Utilize To Pursue Really Big Success Without Compromising Quality of Life
  • And How To Make The Magic Last Beyond The Program

This program will be your catalyst to shift back into the driver's seat of your life. Strap in because we start May 1.

 This program is delivered via Voxer. This is a free ‘walkie-talkie’ style app where you can listen in on all the audio trainings from me as well, as message questions or support with others in the group. This means no video trainings that take up space on your already-full-calendar or replays you have to log in on your computer to view. Everything is audio so you can listen on the go, at your own pace, and even on 2x if for your ease!

$97.00 USD