Plan Your Retreat Workshop with Megan & Taylor

Are you ready to plan an incredible & profitable retreat?

Retreats are a beautiful container to offer in your business because you connect IN PERSON with your people. You can go deeper, create incredible personal connections, and add another revenue stream to your business.

If you're unsure how to make this happen (because it can seriously seem like a lot when you DIY it), don't worry, we're teaching you everything we know!

Learn from three-time sold-out retreat hosts Megan & Taylor on all the steps to make your retreat successful.

CALL REPLAY 1 — Foundations

Purpose, Location & Date, Inclusions, Itinerary, Budget, Pricing 

CALL REPLAY 2 — Marketing, Enrollment, Retreat Details

Website / Sales Page, Social Media & Emails, Lead Tracking & Invitations, Onboarding, Sponsors, Gifts, Food & Drinks

CALL REPLAY 3 — Retreat Lead Up, Retreat Week & Post-Retreat

Attendee Communication, Packing List, Extra Help, Deliverables, Offboarding

BONUS — Access To All Our Resources

  • A Killer Retreat HQ Spreadsheet (so you have everything in one place)
  • Email Swipe Copy (our exact scripts for communication emails)
  • Sponsorship Reach Out Email Templates
  • Canva Template For Attendee Welcome Packet
  • Canva Template for Assistant Information Packet
  • Retreat Onboarding Questionnaire (the exact questions we ask to create a more personalized experience)
  • Retreat Testimonial Questions

*This workshop was originally run live, so you can benefit from our Q&A replays, where we helped some participants plan their retreat in live time.*

$397.00 USD